2020.04.30 "Backstage" インタビュー記事



Aaron Tveit Booked ‘Moulin Rouge!’ on the Audition Room Floor—Literally


BY CASEY MINK | APRIL 30, 2020 10:00 PM

During his final callback for “Moulin Rouge!,” Aaron Tveit decided to, in his words, “go big or go home.” In this instance, that meant throwing himself onto the floor of the audition room and singing his take on Mark Ronson’s “Uptown Funk.” As anyone who saw the musical after it opened at Broadway’s Hirschfeld Theatre last summer knows, Tveit since did so eight times a work—which is to say, his commitment to the moment paid off. Here, he shares more audition highs and lows and the simple phrase he wishes he could tell his former self.  

「ムーランルージュ」の最終面接でアーロン・トヴェイトは、彼の言葉によると「大胆に行け。さもなくば家に帰れ」と決心しました。 この場合それは、彼の出番でオーディションルームの床に身を投げ出して、マーク・ロンソンの“Uptown Funk”を歌うことでした。 昨年の夏ブロードウェイのヒルシュフェルド劇場でオープンしたミュージカルを見た人は誰でも知っているように、トヴェイトはそれ以来、週8回それをやっています。その瞬間へのこだわりが実を結びました。ここでは、オーディションの最高の時と最悪の時、そしてかつての自分に伝えたいシンプルな言葉を語っています。

What performance should every actor see and why? 

Denzel Washington in “Philadelphia.” His on-camera acting and what he does through action and physicality—the scene with him and Tom Hanks in the library when he decides to actually help him, the way he’s hiding behind the books, that’s all him. The director did not tell him to do that, I guarantee it. He figured it all out himself.  


「フィラデルフィア」のデンゼル・ワシントン。カメラの前での演技と、仕草と風貌を通して彼がすることです。彼とトムハンクスとの図書館でのシーン、トムを本当に助けようと決心するシーンでの、本の陰に隠れるあの演技、あれこそ彼です。 監督がそうしろと言ったんじゃない。それは保証します。 彼は自分ですべてを考え出したんです。 

 How did you get your Equity card?

I got my Equity card when I was cast in the national tour of “Hairspray.”  



What is the wildest thing you’ve ever done to get a job?

I’ve done really crazy stuff. I auditioned for “Moulin Rouge!” and had work sessions with [director] Alex Timbers and [music supervisor and arranger] Justin Levine. At the time, the Bohemians were singing “Uptown Funk” in the opening number, and they basically said to me, “When you sing ‘Uptown Funk,’ it’s as if someone threw you into a pool. They threw you into this place, and you’re suddenly singing with them.” So in my final callback, everybody was there, and they said, “Let’s start with ‘Uptown Funk,’ ” and I went to the piano player and said, “Will you just start playing when I point to you?” I pointed at him. I left the room. I waited a second and then I opened the door, threw myself into the room and onto the floor, and started singing the song. It worked! Go big or go home. 


本当にクレイジーなことをしてきました。 「ムーラン・ルージュ!」のオーディションを受け、[監督]アレックス・ティンバーズと[音楽監修・編曲]ジャスティン・レヴァインとのワークセッションがありました。その頃ボヘミアンたちはオープニングナンバーで "Uptown Funk "を歌っていて、彼らはまず僕に言ったんです。 「アップタウン・ファンクを歌う時は、誰かにプールに放り込まれたようなものだ。誰かにここに放り込まれて、突然彼らと一緒に歌っているようなものなんだ 」と。 そして最終面接ではみんながそこにいて、こう言いました。「アップタウン・ファンクから始めよう」 そこで僕はピアニストのところに行って頼みました。「僕が合図したら、弾き始めてもらえますか?」 僕は彼に合図し、部屋を出ました。一瞬待ってから、ドアを開けて部屋に飛び込み、床に身を投げ出して歌を歌い始めました。 うまくいった!大胆に行け、さもなくば家に帰れ、です。 

What is your worst audition horror story? 

I don’t want to name names, but I was once auditioning for a film and the writer-director was someone who’d previously had big success in television. It was me, the director, and the casting director in the room, and I was doing my scene. It was a bit of a long scene, and in the middle of the scene, his phone rang and he answered it. I turned to the casting director and she was mortified, and I waited. He finished the phone call and then I said, “Thank you, guys, I think I’m gonna go.” 



What advice would you give to your younger self? 

Ah, man, just relax. Keep going to class and trust yourself. It’s gonna be fine, just trust. 



Aaron Tveit Japan Fan Site (unofficial)

Broadway Boyfriend, Drama & Movie Star TONY Winner アーロン・トヴェイト日本私設ファンサイト